Saturday, 30 April 2011


We had so much fun on the beach this week....
I've played in the sea and on the beach. We also had some lovely meals in restaurants. Gaynor and Steve are Vegan so we had a few cheeseless pizzas!!!! I was pretty tired at the end of the day....

G'night all xxxxx

What a week.....I've had visitors from England!

Thisweek has been so exciting! Gaynor and Steve have visited from the UK! I was soooo excited to see them! I just couldn't contain my excitement and wagged my whole body and licked them both so much! I just love dog loving visitors!!!
Here is me with Barry andSteve....

I was a bit cheeky and tried to sleep on their bed, but Barry felt a bit left out, so I returned to my spot on his bed! However, I was up bright and early to greet Gaynor and Steve with a huuuuge wag!!!!! I got a little over excited at first and couldn't help a doing a little wee as I said good morning to them, but I looked the other way and hoped they hadn't noticed!!!!

This is me.....

Tessa the Dog - the life andtimes of an Adelaide Dog!


Hello, I'd like to introduce myself! Im an 18 month old labrador cross, living in Mawson Lakes with my English manservant!!!!

Barry likes to think that he's boss, but in truth, I rule the roost!!!! Barry works from home, so I spend much of the day under his desk. However, this last week, we've had guests from England, so, here are a few stories.......