Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Awwww....missing my visitors....

My visitors from England have now left and I'm missing them.
I enjoyed my walks....
My days out.....

And my cuddles....

And I do get a little sleepy after a hard days play...

Now its just me and Barry again, but he does spoil me!!!!!!!We finished off the soya yoghurt pots today that Steve and Gaynor left, and I've had some of the leftover steaks from our BBQ! 

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Life is good!!!!

I'm a good model, I like to pose for photos.

I'm also very good at sharing. I shared my biscuits with Volta today!

Some days I'm just so exhausted,and so is Barry!!!!!

A visit from Volta

Today we had a visit from Volta. Volta is my best friend and we love to play together.
I let him share mypull, and we had great fun playing with it. He kept trying to weave away from me with it, but I was determined, and kept getting it back!

Somtimes our play gets a bit boisterous, and our two legged friends look a bit concerned, but we always kiss and make up afterwards...